Thursday 4 December 2014

Release of my E-Book! The Show Must Go On - Being with an Australian Travelling Zoo

Hello World! 

Today on this cold winter December day here in the UK is my birthday so.... I thought it might be an opportune time and occasion to say please BUY MY FIRST E-BOOK 'The Show Must Go On - Being with an Australian Travelling Zoo' which was just one of my many far-fetched experiences during my travels Down Under.

An adaptation of my story was first published overseas in German last year for travel book 'Australien wie wir es sehen' - so I've now brought you the uncut, full length English version for you to enjoy! will download from Amazon to all KINDLE DEVICES, IPAD AND IPHONES around the world.

Sunday 27 April 2014

'About The Time' ...The Quirks of Amsterdam and The Cat Boat!

'Yarr, I was riding past to verk along de Singel and stopped outside de Oude Lutherse Kerk and looked at zis canal boot and thought....hey zat boot is full of kats!'

A canal 'boot' full of cats!....meaning 'boat' in Dutch that is, said my strong accented dutch guide.... 
I'd been staying at the friendly Shelter Hostel right in the heart of the 'City of Diamonds' and took the opportunity to join their free guided walking tour of Amsterdam on a gloriously light but chilly Friday morning in the core of wintertime in The Netherlands.  Funny enough as cold it was for this chick from Blighty, Amsterdam was experiencing its mildest winter for many years.....only - 6 C. Brrrr. 

Sunday 20 October 2013

Let 'Em Skate - An Extreme Street Sports Charity Thats Off The Wall

Ok so for this scribble, even though I'm all grown up (as the conforming society will say) I'm a fan of cartoons, especially this little guy who probably is one of the most famous cartoon characters created on our third rock from the sun. Can you guess who it is ......even though there is a picture right there...yep Bart Simpson. I loved him as a kid, he was a real rebellious dude - the famous little yellow rascal who's mischievous nature is rarely seen without hurtling along on a trusty skateboard up to no good.....but actually not all skateboarders are up to no good, undeserving of the whole 'tut tut tut' waving the pointed finger in disgust at them as if they were juvenile delinquents. Lets lift those judgemental stigmas.....they actually should be encouraged.

Monday 16 September 2013

Meeting The Amazon Man - Alan Holman - The Record Breaking Kayak Down The Amazon

Ahh life....row row row your boat, gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.....not for this guy it wasn't....and it certainly wasn't a stream.....

Last week, I met an incredible Guinness World Record first one too!

Now at 68, British man Alan Holman who in 1982 at the age of 38, is the first and only man on record that has ever kayaked the entire length of the 4,000 mile long Amazon River, you know what he said to me...

'Young lady, nothing 100% impossible, but  
                  nothing is 100% sure'


Tuesday 20 August 2013

Two Summer Books that will Inspire the Free Spirit in you!

Hello people,

It's still summer and you should be in high spirits!! so I'd like to share with you two fantastic travel books I own that are guaranteed to inspire the free spirit you've always wanted to unleash!

How to Travel The World on $5 A Day : Travel, Cheaper, Longer, Smarter
- Matt Kepnes

Bingo! isn't that just music to the ears of anyone who has dreamt of exploring to the ends of the fantastical suspending sphere of Planet Earth - 'without sacrificing comfort OR the adventure you seek'. C'mon this is not just another 'travel book' appearing on the shelf, its written by long term American traveller Matt Kepnes from the largest travel blog online  today Nomadic Matt who has gathered invaluable information from his seven years of full time travelling on a budget around 70 countries to date....he knows a thing or two about travelling, showing you that by spending approximately $50 a day, you can travel longer without having to be living the cliché life of a pauper on bread and water and squatting in rat infested backpackers with dripping ceilings as a budget traveller (I have never had a rat as a roommate but was lucky enough to get a dripping ceiling on one occasion!). Matt generously shares his experience and knowledge in an attempt to eradicate the 'travel is just for the rich' or 'too expensive' ethos that acts as an obstacle to many who dream of adventure and discovery without breaking the bank. Full of tricks, tips and secrets the book includes how to live and budget differently whilst saving for your travels, how to get free flights, finding cheap and comfortable accommodation and how to make your finances last for travelling cheaper, longer and more. 

Disrupting The Rabblement : Think For Yourself, Face Your Fears, Live Your Dreams, Piss Off Some Zombies
- Niall Doherty

Friendly Irish-born Niall Doherty of 'Disrupting the Rabblement' quit his job nearly three years ago and has since become a self-employed vagabond. Choosing to think for himself, he remains unconditioned by society to pursue his passions and help other people escape mediocrity whilst he takes on the challenge of travelling around the world without flying. Along with his You Tube Channel 'Renaissance TV' his E-book 'Disrupting the Rabblement' is his personal take on showing people how to 'rabble rouse' taking control of their own lives, challenging conformity and eradicate thoughtless living....tempting you to realise you can become fully conscious to your decisions and living a more fulfilling life.
In his own words..

'Disrupting the Rabblement is for all those people who have been doing what was expected of them and following all the rules, only to find that type of life extremely unfulfilling. It’s also for people who have already broken free and are aiming to make a positive difference in the world. It’s for anyone who wants to think for themselves, follow their dreams and help others do the same.'

Read the book if this sounds like you....its not a crime to think for yourself or say 'That doesn't make sense to me....'

Happy reading!

Thursday 25 July 2013

The Royal Baby - Awaiting The Heir to the Throne

It's the morning of Monday 22nd July 2013 in London, England and a historic event is about to ignite a spark in the slumbering world and the future of the British monarchy and Commonwealth. The morning news and tabloids are fired up with the unexpected headline that Kate Middleton, The Duchess of Cambridge has gone into labour....a baby is on its way.

But this is no ordinary birth that the world are ruffling their feathers over in colossal anticipation - its the birth of a baby that is destined to rule a nation and commonwealth. The future heir of England.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

The Day Murray Won Wimbledon - My Video Blog

Our hearts were in our mouths, our knees quivering as we held our breaths in the rally of the final point....but after 77 years, 15 Prime Ministers and 3 Monarchs, a British Man FINALLY wins the Wimbledon Men's Singles Title...and I was's my video blogs following me on the unforgettable day that Andy Murray made sporting history....

Tuesday 4 June 2013

A Royal Encounter...The Queens 60th Coronation Day

4th June 2013. London, England.

Blue skies, warm weather - It can't be? really British Summer? Today, a somewhat unusually summery British day in the capital is championed by a special royal occasion -the celebration of Britain's long reigning monarch Queen Elizabeth's II 60th Anniversary of her Coronation in 1953. I wasn't even thought about then, but Queen Lizzie's the only British Monarch that has been a constant presence in my life; stamps, coins, T.V, Movies, Cartoons - c'mon she must be a real person.

You can pretty much tell there's a national occasion taking place in Merry Ole' London, which to give us credit, we do very well at staging, as we did with  the controversial National Funeral of Margaret Thatcher on that gloomy morning in April and of course the London 2012 Games.

Thursday 30 May 2013

Carribean Sports Fever - How A New UK Initiative is Nurturing the Islands Hidden Talents

Ok, so the British Summer is around the corner, well you would think on some days but then on others you're disappointedly whipping out the winter wardrobe again. But.... usually summer time means the emergence of more active sporting activities with the more tolerable temperatures and prolonged lighter evenings in our favour. But some places out there in this big wide world, really, in the one outside your back garden, the gym or your local park or playground, are missing out on sporting opportunities due to their poor or otherwise non existent sports infrastructure.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

The National Funeral of The Iron Lady - As I Saw It

The Iron Lady. The Iron Lady. Margaret Thatcher, Margaret Thatcher - now I'm not one that can sit and talk about politics all day but I don't have to be a political junkie to know who Margaret Thatcher was or 'The Iron Lady' as she was affectionately christened based on her nerves of steel and her strong and hearty manner. Love Her or Hate Her she was one tough lady, couldn't have been an easy job. I was only a toddler throughout her time governing the country at 10 Downing Street, so I guess I have no memories of her and know very little about her political lifetime. The news of her death earlier this month in the UK seemed to bring rejoice to certain societies and affectionate praise and blessings from others. So I thought it would be an interesting experience to hop on down to the streets of London to observe the atmosphere of this highly anticipated and controversial national funeral of the former Prime Minister. A historic occasion not to be missed.