Lets fast forward nearly thirty years. Of course Christmas is not just about giving presents, its really about the warmth of love and community. Everyday of the year I think we should always be showing love and the act of giving to others, but even more so at Christmas when the reality of people's situation can hit them even harder than usual - especially vulnerable children.
My box for a lucky 6-11 year old boy filled to the brim with as much as I could fit in!
Depending on how generous you want to be or what is within your means, the minimum on average you could spend on filling a box is about £20 - so if you can spare that on coffee or beer in a year, of course you can help with a box!
Christmas Shoebox Appeals
I think you have to look at a wider perspective compared to our lives in the western world. High birth rates can be attributed to many factors - religion, culture and lack of education in rural areas all can influence the poverty population of an Eastern European country aswell as lack of government funding and welfare support.
Photo: Ziz York, Teams4u
- Those who follow Orthodox Catholicism are not in the belief of using birth control or may not even have the means or access to it.
- Ingrained culture of a society may see it as a blessing or good fortune to have large families or some simply to have the security of caretakers to go out to work and support the family unit.
- Women and girls may be encouraged to have traditional roles and only know a life of marriage and child bearing as their sole purpose over multiple generations.
- The parents may have a ignorant view to negligence of their children and their welfare
However you feel about swelling poverty numbers or international aid, yes it might not solve all of their problems in the long term, but I don't think innocent children should be punished or go without at Christmas because of circumstances out of their control.
I think its better to make them smile and feel a glint of brightness and confidence from their bleak world for one day through our generosity, kindness and compassion at Christmas than nothing at all.
And if you can make that happen with a simple gift of a shoebox than why not?
That's how I feel anyway.
So once the boxes are packed to the brim with goodies, (kinda neatly wrapped) and a donation of £2.50 popped in to help cover distribution costs (it gets sent anyway even if you don't), you have to take them to one of the charities drop-off locations closest to you. They are all run by volunteers and can be churches, schools, sports centres, shops in different areas of the UK who have certain drop off dates usually starting at the beginning of November. The nearest was Loughton in Essex so made a day of it heading out of the city to make the drop off at Loughton Methodist Church.
Found the chapel! its a good idea to look up drop off locations before you do a box to see if you're willing to travel to the nearest one, it can actually turn into an excuse for an adventure going to a new place!
First boxes in! Feeling the angelic vibes just walking into the church bringing three little boxes of love with me fizzled through my body ha!
Getting them in nice and early doesn't hurt and within the two-week collecting period, the church would be expecting about two-thousand boxes being dropped off! They'd take over the church completely like a tidal wave of christmas shoe boxes flooding to the altar - but no, they would be moved to the warehouse next door to be sorted with a cursive check over and have anything inappropriate taken out or if the box isn't full enough, more things would be added.
I was pretty confident that my friends and I's boxes couldn't possibly have anymore added as we struggled to get the lids on with the amount of goodies inside!
I think we passed the generosity test - as self righteous as that sounds (and it probably does)
So once you've dropped your boxes off, your part is done and all the boxes from around the UK go off on their own journey to a central warehouse in Wales to be packed into an export wagon and taken across Europe to be distributed to impoverished communities in Romania, Moldova and Belarus.
Teams4u's Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2019 raked in an all time high of 63,778 boxes that's 12,463 more generous souls and children receiving a present for Christmas than the year before!
Photo: Ziz York, Teams4u
So once you've dropped your boxes off, your part is done and all the boxes from around the UK go off on their own journey to a central warehouse in Wales to be packed into an export wagon and taken across Europe to be distributed to impoverished communities in Romania, Moldova and Belarus.
Teams4u's Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2019 raked in an all time high of 63,778 boxes that's 12,463 more generous souls and children receiving a present for Christmas than the year before!
Photo: Ziz York, Teams4u
Look at the joy it gives them - this may be the only present they ever receive and how much your generosity can reach beyond borders and affect their lives and confidence receiving a bit of love in a box. I heard one story that a little girl was so overwhelmed with her box that she hid it and didn't take anything out for a long time in fear of someone taking it. That's how much a simple shoe box from us is valued so much by their little hearts.
I think about what little boy received my box, what he might look like, where he is from, I will never know the mystery of my boxes fate but knowing that somewhere out there, you've made a poor little boy in need smile and brightened their day at Christmas.
And that's the best Christmas present of all I think.
If you would like to do something awesome and help with your own box of love to a Christmas Shoebox Appeal and aid impoverished children and families in Eastern Europe check out Teams4u and Link to Hope for next Christmas!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2020!
I think about what little boy received my box, what he might look like, where he is from, I will never know the mystery of my boxes fate but knowing that somewhere out there, you've made a poor little boy in need smile and brightened their day at Christmas.
And that's the best Christmas present of all I think.
If you would like to do something awesome and help with your own box of love to a Christmas Shoebox Appeal and aid impoverished children and families in Eastern Europe check out Teams4u and Link to Hope for next Christmas!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2020!
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